Influenza vs. Cold

Blog / By santoshpdj

Statistically, Colorado is seeing a surge in C19 and influenza cases. Most refer to this as cold and flu season. In the natural medicine world we look at this as suppressed immune system season. Due to things like high stress (holidays), decrease in exercise, depleted essential nutrients, decreased sun exposure and increased sugar and processed food intake (holidays)-the conditions of our bodies are primed for pathogens to thrive.


Influenza-fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, fatigue, headaches

Covid 19-fever, cough, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell, fatigue, muscle or body aches and more


Hand hygiene-wash hands frequently with soap and water. Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth.

Respiratory hygiene-cover mouth and nose with tissue or elbow when sneezing or coughing

Stay home when unwell.

Remember to support your immune system-up your daily vitamin C (good quality and liposomal) 5000-10000 mgs preferred. Add structured silver to your regimen, it is excellent for staving off bugs. Get as much sunshine as possible (the D-minder app is an amazing tool which notifies you of the optimal time of day in your area to receive vitamin D from the sun; the sun is the best source for the hormone). Eat well. Try to consume in season, healthy vegetables, bone broths and clean meats. Stay hydrated with mineral infused filtered water and herbal teas. Use supplementation when you are unable to achieve proper nourishment through foods. Get 7-9 hours of sleep per night, use the early darkness as an opportunity to get to bed earlier. Manage stress levels.


If the bad guys happen to catch you off-guard, here are some things you can do at home to lessen the severity of symptoms.

Up your vitamin C intake even more! Take 20000 mgs every 3 hours or to bowel tolerance. Drink fire cider and specifically formulated herbal teas with local honey. Take white willow bark tincture for aches and pains. Nebulize with items recommended by your practitioner (this is my favorite remedy for all things lung related). If you have access to a far infrared sauna-sweat it out with a couple 30 minute sessions/day (not with flu). Sleep, rest and sleep some more.

Our bodies are powerful, self-healing organisms. Let’s keep our detox pathways open and give ourselves all of the tools to stay vibrant and healthy. These principles can all be applied with children at a lesser intensity.


Stay well

Dr. Melissa Simmons BCDNM, BCMH, BD, DSM

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