The Regeneratio Method

Bio-Resonance Analysis and Therapy

With whole body scan technology
Every cell, tissue, organ and system of our bodies have resonating frequencies. Much like an orchestra, if one area of the body gets out of tune, it effects that individual’s entire performance or proper function.

The Medicine Way software can uniquely bio-energetically assess organ and system imbalances. Your practitioner can then provide appropriate therapy through the headphones and additionally create and imprint remedies specific to your individual needs.

Special sensors inside headphones detect electromagnetic frequency waveforms from the brain. 

The advanced software decodes, analyzes and displays the results on our computer screen. With color-coded graphics areas of stress or bio-energic imbalance are identified in each organ and system. 

After identifying the specific health challenges for each individual, a method called Meta-Therapy is used to treat problem areas by giving corrective frequencies to restore cellular harmony so that the body’s natural healing can occur.

A detailed analysis includes:
  • Brain
  • Thyroid
  • Stomach
  • Pancreas
  • Sinuses
  • Spleen
  • Liver
  • Lymph
  • Discs
  • Male and female organs
  • Bladder
  • Throat
  • Gallbladder
  • Cellular DNA
  • Skin
  • Intestines
  • Heart
  • Kidneys
  • Lungs
  • Nerves

The process is non-invasive and free of any radiation. You’ll be able to see for yourself the analysis and real-time results of therapy. it is a safe option for identifying areas of health imbalance and for making a plan to bring the body back into balance and optimum health. 

The Medicine Way was designed for research and educational purposes. No claims are made for the diagnosis or treatment of medical diseases. Results may vary. Accommodations must be made with individuals who have pacemakers, defibrillators, unstable heart rhythms, pregnant women or children under 5 years of age.

With Bio-Resonance scanning, the body’s normal frequencies can be evaluated right down to the DNA to locate abnormal areas that show stress or malfunction. The analysis can show areas of early stress before symptoms may occur. 

Common causes of stress can lead that can lead to dysfunctions are: Bacteria, Viruses, Parasites, Toxins.

System Imbalances: skeletal, nervous, muscular, respiratory, circulatory, digestive, urinary, lymphatic, sensory systems and hormones. 

**Use of this technology is contraindicated in individual with organ transplants.


Initial Session

$ 250
  • 120-minute session
  • In-person or remote

Follow Up Session

$ 150
  • 60-minute session
  • In-person or remote

3-Month Package

$ 1625
  • 13 Weekly Sessions $125 per session
  • $1625 paid in full up front savings of $325!

6-Month Package

$ 2600
  • 26 Weekly Sessions $100 per session
  • $2600 paid in full up front savings of $1300!



Comprehensive bio-resonance scanning, evaluating the body’s normal frequencies right down to the DNA, to locate abnormal areas that show stress or malfunction. This service is offered via DNA samples ie:) hair clipping, nail clipping, saliva swab, and blood swab; The session will be conducted via an online platform.


Comprehensive bio-resonance scanning, evaluating the body’s normal frequencies right down to the DNA, to locate abnormal areas that show stress or malfunction. The session will be conducted in our office.


Treatment and consultation with various modalities, according to needs.
Here a follow-up Bio-Resonance scan is performed to determine any changes in homeostasis. As individuals are extraordinarily unique, treatment will be tailored to each persons needs.